Friday, November 21, 2008

Do you know the main problem of you not earning any money from the net?

Do you know the main problem of you not earning any money from the net?

The best option to earn money from the net is to sell some very interesting products to people who are really interested in them. Actually, you must create a list of such people. And constantly educate them about the product they are interested. But for this you will need some tools.

How to create and maintain a list?

To create and maintain a list you need to have a Video Squeeze Page (with video), one or more content-rich Pre-Selling Pages and an Email Follow-up Series.

Video Squeeze Page (with video): or VSP will generate interest in your visitor about your product or the product you refer to earn money.

Pre-Selling Pages: or PSP is a page which tells about your product or the product you are referring.

Email Follow-up Series: or EFS will constantly alert/educate your users about your product or the product you are referring to earn money.

All of this together increases your chances of making the sale by up to 500% so it's well worth the effort of setting it up. And once it's set up, it runs automatically - you just keep sending visitors to the squeeze page.

Don't think that you have to maintain such pages and emails all by yourself.I've found a product called as “Affiliate Silver Bullet”or ASB which will help you maintain VSP,PSP and EFS for some highly profitable ClickBank products.

What is ASB?

ASB offers VSP, PSP and EFS designed and pre-coded with your ClickBank id. As you know, ClickBank stores practically millions of products which you can sell and earn about 75% of selling price as commission.

What you have to do?

Just promote the link of the squeeze page and/or video page given as bullet in the ASB “Bullet” section. Whenever someone fill up the double opt in form you generate a lead. This lead will receive a five email series educating/alerting him about the product of his/her interest.


If you host the silver bullets yourself,it’s free after the one time payment but if you want ASB to host, it will cost you $18.

Cost Benefit Analysis:

Expenditure: $37 one time + $18 monthly

Setup Cost for VSP, PSP and EFS if purchased and maintained separately = 3*37 = $111.Instead you pay: $37

Commission From one sell of the available products: $39.95(general selling price) /2(minimum commission of 50% considered) = around $20

Income from one sell: 20-18 = $2

ASB also offers a generous commission structure: 50% of the setup cost and hosting fee if you can sell one ASB membership.

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