Thursday, February 23, 2012

10 best ways to market something with the help of your personal home page

Your home page can become your deadliest marketing weapon :

1.First develop your home page with detail.Add  your,biodata,websites of your opportunities or blogs.

2.Write status update as frequently as possible (but not in every single hours)write something attractive,useful or weird.Something which will attract people to read.

3.Always add your blogs or opportunity links in the menu and add updates about new post or new developments in the status updates.

4.Add an album and upload your travel photos or party shots.

5.Add a section for bookmarks.That is the links you use or like most.

6.Add a Contact Me and Exchange Link page so that people can interact and exchange links with you.

7.Add a search form so that people can search your website.You can use Google Coop Search for this purpose.

8.Add a Favourite Product,Book,Sports and Games section and add links or news under them.

9.Create a link to your Facebook and Twitter profile and encourage visitors to become your fan or follower.

10.Last but not the least add a feedback section seperate from the Contact Me section.This section will help you to receive suggestions.But be prepared to receive huge level of spams because such forms can be used by the spammers to spread their stupid messages.

After doing all the additions and regularly updating them, publish and share your personal home page with each and every friend of yours.Whoever is your friend they will at least click the link and browse to your home page.As the opportunity links will be available they may also become interested to join the same.Thus you can easily receive some very unique and useful leads without talking or nagging.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Methods of Announcing to Internet Audience

Another very useful method to announce something to internet audience is to post about it as a comment to Google group.

But the group must have many active members posting relevant topics.The category of your product/news/campaign and the group must also be same. 

Google groups are widely indexed by Google and comments in them will also enforce it to index your site as well which is very much essential for high rank in the list of results shown while someone searches related keywords.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

One of the quickest way to promote your product is to create a Hubpage or Squidoo about it.You may also try to create  a Google and Facebook Page about your product/opportunity.Then each week or per two week create one page about the related keywords of your site.Remember to place a link to your product in those pages.

Search Engines love such page(hub,squidoo etc.) for reference.If those sites have a link pointing towards your site, page rank as well as the position of the website in the search results for those keywords will automatically increase.