Friday, December 30, 2011

Ten reasons for which you must still participate in online forums

You have read in most of the blogs,websites and newsletters related to marketing and promotion that one of the best way to get leads for your opportunities is to participate in various online forums.But even if you become a member and tried to participate generation of leads do not happen.Only your inbox get spammed with PM and emails from other members asking you to join their opportunities.So many people now think that forums has lost its position as one of the most effective marketing tool to promote any online opportunity.In short the answer is Yes.Forum has lost its shine as one of the easiest platform to earn active leads. But if you have the necessary knowledge to utilize them for your own benefit,you can still use the forums as one of the easiest way to get sales or leads.Below is the ten most important reasons which still make forums a necessary part of any online marketing plan.

Please use forums :

1.To share honest reviews about the products you promote(include both positives and negative features of the product to create a honest and neutral review)
2.To share latest news/upgrades/new features about your product
3.To share your thoughts/mood about the opportunities/products you promote
4.To share your signature where you can promote your home page and yourself.
5.To enforce the search bots towards your homepage(search bots generally prefers links in the forums as more honest recommendation than the same on websites)
6.To receive honest feedback about your product or the products you want to promote(forum members actually like to review the products promoted by other members to increase number of profile views.More profile views mean more visitors to your home page or links you have added in your profile page.)
7.To create mutually beneficial relationships(many forumers was found to exchange opportunities like "you join my opportunity I join yours")
8.To popularize your views about certain social topics and in turn popularize yourself as a brand.
9.To know about marketing blunders,scams,internet loopholes etc. so that you become aware of them
10.To avoid the need of sending marketing emails to uninterested people and become accused of spamming.

As you see, there are many reasons for which you can still use forums to promote not only your product but also yourself as a brand to the innumerable internet users who will value your recommendations once they become aware of brand : you.

So the bottom-line is "Use forums but use it efficiently"

Administrative Editor
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