Friday, May 25, 2007

mGinger : Receive SMS to earn money !

Now you can earn money to receive SMS in your mobile.
"With mGinger we, mGinger employees and you who have joined, have started nothing short of a revolution. A revolution in the advertising space. It is a new concept, a new paradigm.

Aren’t advertisements a pain ?

You switch your TV on wanting to watch your favourite show and what do you get? A horde of Ads.

Switch on your radio…same deal.

Try reading some news and more ads.

Hoardings, Tele-marketing calls, carpet-bombing SMS ads.

The list goes on and on….They tax our brains, squeeze out our energies and turn us into zombies.

But take a second and think about this:What if they request for your permission before exposing you to ads ? What if you are exposed to only those ads that are relevant to YOU at that point in time ?

Then, the nature of the exposure changes. Ads turn into “Usable Information”. They empower you both in terms of knowledge and profit.

mGinger is a revolution because for the first time in Indian history, the users are asked for permission. The users are asked for their interests. The users are requested for a convenient time and convenient number of ads per day.

Then, should you get paid for such useful information ?

No! Because the information itself pays you (since you will use it).But, the ground reality is, however precise your targeting gets there always remain some out-of-control variables which decide whether the information is useful or not. mGinger pays you for this wastage since it taxes your mind and time.

We welcome all of you to this revolution where each one of you gets empowered, gets to lead and gets the power to tell the big advertisers what you would like and what you wouldn’t. Every advertiser would like to become your friend and this gives you a chance to tell them how. Mind you, this will be a ground-up and a tough fight. A fight because we are going against conventionality, against a wildly prevalent attitude of taking us consumers for granted.But, eventually we will win because we believe it is the right way.".....from mGinger Blog.
Though mGinger is totally new as you can understand from the following post in their blog :
"Yes, mGinger is still a baby. Infact, an infant. We are just 25 days old. We have very few number of users yet.

Imagine this: We go to an advertiser and tell him that we have 1000 users in Delhi interested in clothes. Do you think he will be impressed? If you do, you need to go and talk to some advertiser once! Advertisers are impressed with big numbers. They want to reach a lot of people (result of conventionality).

For you to get ads consistently, the first thing that is needed is a large number of users in our network. But, here is the chicken and egg problem, to get a large number of users, we need to get advertisers willing to send ads to the small number of existing users. But advertisers look at us mainly when we have large number of users. You get the drift….

It is a tough problem to solve and we are working 24/7 to solve it. So, to begin with, we are looking for those daring non-conventional advertisers who understand the value of precise targeting. Slowly, as our numbers grow, we will get more advertisers.

The key thing is this: GROW YOUR NETWORK. TRUST US. We are going nowhere till we prove that this is the way to advertise."
It is nice that the paradigm of getting paid from emails is shifting towards Mobile - one of the most common electronics of the common man.If there are 6 million people using the net there are atleast 1 billion people who receives SMS.
An advertiser will buy from mginger rather than buying from PTC sites for the greater reach of mobile phones..
So its a nice little opportunity which can be extremely popular if promoted extensively.
I have signed up for mginger and here is my url :
Though no SMS, except the mobile verification message was received by me from mginger within the 2 days of my registration.
But as Biswarup , a mginger user from the beginning, comment :
"Hello mGinger Team,

Well i’ve joined mGinger since its beginning almost. And I’ve full trust in this idea ‘coz its really a wonderful idea n very unique.well every new idea takes time to evolve but the end results are always wonderful n more than expected.So i want to say that, as a member we are always with this team wid full confidence.And yes to bring advertisers we need a big network, so we are working towards it and very soon we ‘ll b having really a big network for advertisers to count on us.

gud luck mginger team,
So,let us hope for the best .

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Cracking multilevel marketing opportunities !

Can you crack a multi level opportunity and generate a steady income from them ?

Most of us will say ‘NO’ .

Reason :

You can not sell.
You can not refer.

But I use a simple trick to avoid the above two obstacles .

I just use the products of the M.L.M opportunity I am a member of . I have just change the place of purchasing .I never sell a single product.

Advantage of this is you get quality products at a discount . (Commission as a distributor + Cash Back when I refer someone).And you stop your daily tiresome visit to grocery store .

Trick – 1 :

Change Your Purchasing Place

Just ask your friends to change his/her purchasing place.(It is same as asking someone to purchase from a Shopping Mall instead of local grocery store. Advantages are more if you purchase from M.L.M companies instead of a shopping Mall .Malls can give you discounts but will not return your cash )

Whenever 2 – 6 friends start to copy you, your problems are over. Now wait and watch how your opportunity earn you money.

Trick – 2

Change the purchasing place of 2 – 6 friends

These tricks will work only for those M.L.M which offer varieties of products and do not take any initial investments .Like S.F.I .

New Kid in ‘Without investment internet income’ category : Agloco

- Revenue Sharing Company
- Surf internet with their toolbar and refer other members . This earns you points which can be converted to shares of their revenue .

Present Status : Toolbar in Beta. Can only be installed by lucky few members. But they are not earning anything which every member will when Bar comes out of its BETA.

Business Promoting Tool : Down line Builder : This type of tools help you build your downtimes for many opportunities. Whenever you can refer one to your down line builder, you can get him/her as your down line for the opportunities your down line builder promotes .

Nice little tool to multiply your work .

Only drawback : - You still has to refer . You can build down lines only for those opportunities that a down line builder promotes.

Example : Marketing Pond

How to set an income goal ?

I = ( T + Y/R ) In

Where, I = Income goal
T = weekly time in hr. spend in promotion
Y/R = Promised income/Referral
In= Investment

Now if you can spend 1 hr. per day to promote one opportunity , and if $15 is the promised income per 1 referral then you can earn $210 in one week for an investment of $10.

‘T’ means time invested in promoting the opportunity. For example, sending emails to your friends, asking him/her to change his/her purchasing place etc.

Mrinmoy Majumder
Webmaster,Editor and Owner
Baipatra - Sharing Knowledge

To earn
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